Thread: Bar spacing?
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Old 06-15-2022, 04:07 AM  
Cosmic Hamsters
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Default Re: Bar spacing?

Hi having just made my first lid, it is doable, but i advise cutting straight corners if you do it, i.e. 90 degrees, i thought i would be fancy and cut mine at 45 degrees and if you are not very good at hand sawing it can be a disaster - as i found out!
If you do make your own, I would also suggest drilling pilot holes first before adding the corner brackets, so you don't split the wood.
The mesh, you can just bend over at the edges so no sharp edges to be concerned about, I have done that on 3 of my cages now. Then you just need a staple gun, which you might be able to borrow from someone if you don;t have one. I borrowed my mums, but also in my local town we have a library of stuff where you can hire for a few £ the tools you need, if you don't have what you need and don;t want to buy, it could be worth looking to see if you have something similar. Goodluck whichever way you decide to go.
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