Thread: Cleaning house
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Old 06-07-2022, 10:17 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Posts: 7,103
Smile Re: Cleaning house

Does the PVC tube have ventilation holes?

I'm not sure what's stopping you two from meeting after all this time. Are you scared of each other?

I'd get a secure box he can't get out of if you don't have a playpen, put a blanket or towel down, add some toys, a hide and food to find and then place your hamster in it while you give his home a clean. Make sure to keep some substrate back that's not smelly to mix in with the fresh. If you have to remove his hoard because it's peed on then put some fresh back in the same spot.

If you can't pick him up or are scared to get bitten, put a small piece of cheese in a transport vessel for him to walk into but cover the top while in transit.
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