Thread: Ikea platsa
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Old 06-03-2022, 12:10 PM  
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Default Re: Ikea platsa

Originally Posted by heidii View Post
I still haven't got a lid on neptr's and it's quote scary when redecorating because he is a really big Pedigree boy.
Having a proper secure lid is absolutely essential to hamster safety unfortunately. It's really not something you can wait on and it is something which really is absolutely mandatory for hamsters. It would honestly be in your hamster's best interest to at least put him in a temporary completely secure cage until you get an actual lid on his permanent cage.

Even if you think your hamster will never escape, it's never worth the risk. Hamsters will find a way no matter what and they absolutely can escape even if you think you've gotten rid of all potential escape risks. They'll even push all the substrate into one area and get out that way if they so desire, and there's absolutely no way to always keep watch 24/7, and they certainly can find ways to escape from entire rooms - even if you think you've hamster proofed one!

I unfortunately had to learn that lesson the hard way. Many others did too. Luckily for me it didn't become a heartbreaking tragedy, but it very nearly did.
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