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Old 05-29-2022, 10:28 AM  
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Yorkshire, UK but my heart lies in Scotland!
Posts: 28,207
Default Sweet dreams Monty cat x

With the greatest of sadness we said goodbye to our beloved cat Monty. He was suddenly taken very ill and despite the vet’s best efforts he was unable to recover so we set him free to cross the Rainbow Bridge. We adopted Monty from the RSPCA in 2010 along with his sister Callie. He was always the cheeky one with his sister being the prim, softie! They had a love - hate relationship but I think it was more love as they were always together whether cuddling or boxing! Monty was Anastasia’s cat really and could usually be found looking for food, yowling at her or sitting in front of her computer screen. He accompanied her through GCSE and A levels then two degrees always there with a comforting purr. Monty liked to beg for food, steal human food, scratch things and eat plants. He liked the dogs and trusted Tiber implicitly! He didn’t have much road sense so remained a house and courtyard cat all his life. A week before his passing he made his last great swansong and climbed out the Velux window on to the roof, down the gate arch then jumped in to Iain’s arms at the other side. He’s never done that before! He was funny, cheeky, loving, soft and cuddly and we were all privileged to share his life. Thank you Monty for making the journey with us, your family. You are so much missed. Run free at the Rainbow bridge wee man – so much loved



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