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Old 04-16-2022, 10:30 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Percy's unknown skin lesion

I don't use them inside the cage - just in case they get chewed. But they are brilliant for getting them out of the cage. All our syrians have enjoyed them and they just walk into them and you lift it out of the cage with them in. Then they walk out of them on the sofa for sofa time - but go back in them now and again for a wash. Much more civilised than being picked up by a hand in the cage or being tempted into a tube!

I have sometimes left them in the cage when they are very old (not hanging, just sitting) and not likely to be chewed. It worked wonders with our older robo who was virtually impossible to get out of the cage - but he'd walk into that.

Also a good way of transferring them somewhere.

Glad the scab is sorted!
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