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Old 04-12-2022, 01:30 PM  
Adult Hamster
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Essex
Posts: 354
Default Re: Should I go easy on the veggies?

Hi Chesterspal, I’m interested in the answer to this too. I feed mostly just dry mix each day with 2 veggies or 1 veg/1fruit. I do have some millet sprays in the cage now which Hams nibbles on.

The portions I offer are pretty tiny.

Very small pieces of brocolli and a piece of thin sliced carrot which is a bit smaller than my thumbnail I guess, I cut it into 4 tiny quarters.
the carrot bits with 2 tiny bits of cucumber or 2 tiny bits of apple.

I’ve been a bit worried to give too much fresh food? My hamster scoops up all the fresh food first. It’s nice as he’ll often eat it in front of me, so I get to give him a nice stroke. He then pouches all the dry food after and takes it to his store, I’ve no idea really as to how much dry food he’s actually eating?

Your selection sounds very varied, so I would think he’s getting a good mix nutritionally. Does your hamster leave the dry food in his bowl? Maybe he’s just taking the bits he likes from the dry selection.
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