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Old 04-11-2022, 02:38 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Percy's unknown skin lesion

Just to add - I usually cut off the hanging rings by cutting off the cloth tags they're attached to at the seams - never had a hamster get caught in the rings yet as I haven't hung them in the cage - just use them for out of cage time (and they do love them) - but I still cut them off anyway. You can see the second exit on the photos - in the seam of a back corner - I just clip that closed with the bulldog clip (bulldog clip stays on it in the pet carrier and until we get home).

Doing this was really important, I felt, with a couple of elderly sick hamsters - who were still active. Without seeing them active and running around the vet would just have seen the ailments and not their level of activity. That made quite a difference in one case - with our robo. When she saw the large lump she was immediately thinking pts because of it affecting his mobility. But when she saw him running around she could see how he worked around the mobility issue himself. He literally tucked the lump under him with his paws when climbing onto something.
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