Thread: Bulging eye?
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Old 04-10-2022, 12:49 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533

It usually means the eye has been pushed out of its socket for some reason and then they lose the sight in that eye. It can actually be very painful for them if it's detached and that can mean eye removal so they don't have pain. They do quite well with just one eye, especially when younger. The danger of it having become detached and protruding is that it can dry out and become more painful or get infected - which is probably why you've been given lubricating gel.

It can actually happen if a hamster has been held too tight (before coming to you no doubt) - their eyes or one of them can actually pop out of the socket.

I would suggest you get another opinion from an exotic vet. It might mean travelling a bit further, but the usual treatment is eye removal. Sorry just saw you didn't have an exotic vet nearby. Are you in the US? Is there a small animal hospital nearby instead? You could just keep going with the lubricating gel but I'd be concerned that she was in pain plus the ongoing hassle of having stuff put in her eye. She will probably have already lost the sight in that eye, then it's better out than in, so to speak.

Having said that, it would need a vet who knows a fair bit about hamsters to do an op like that. And at least meanwhile the gel should give some relief. I'm sorry you've had this experience when you just got a hamster.

I meant to add also, if would be best if the hamster was in a room where the dogs can't go, this can cause them quite a bit of stress, even if they don't show it - just the smells and sounds of a dog nearby - because they're prey animals.

Last edited by souffle; 04-11-2022 at 09:57 AM.
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