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Old 04-04-2022, 02:24 PM  
Adult Hamster
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Essex
Posts: 354
Default Re: My hamster hates me

I’m seeing from this forum, that they are all such different personalities. I think just talking near your hamster cage will help as you need him to recognise your voice, but not to disturb him by doing this too often as he may not appreciate it.

When my daughter chose our hamster ‘hammy’ we genuinely thought we’d get to handle him most days, watch him run about, give him cuddles. This could not be further from the truth. He only really wakes at 9:30 - 10pm, if you disturb him before this, he rarely comes out and some nights it’s 11pm and we simply don’t see him.

If mornings are your hamsters time, all you can do is keep trying. Sit by the cage, chat, move your hands slowly in his bedding and tidy around, hopefully in time he’ll come round, become more inquisitive of you and start venturing closer.

It’s now 4 months for us and Hammy will let us stroke him, he’s normally pouching food at the time or eating a bit of fresh veg but it’s still lovely to have the interaction. We cannot pick him up yet, but he will use a jug taxi, so it’s going in the right direction.

I understand it can become disheartening when you don’t get any interaction time, but he knows your there and feeding, keeping things tidy for him, so he’ll hopefully tame a little with time. How long have you had him?

Last edited by Stanza; 04-04-2022 at 02:33 PM.
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