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Old 04-03-2022, 04:34 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Cleaning After A Death

Three weeks. That's what used to be recommended, even after disinfecting and airing. Just in case there was anything contagious. Better be safe than sorry. The other issue is ensuring there is no "scent" left from the previous hamster and airing outside and a 3 week wait will help with that. Even after using something like Beaphar disinfectant (which I use after a death) a hamster has a much stronger sense of scent than us and there can be a "death scent". I know a hamster can be completely freaked out if they sense death or dying in their environment.

If you give it another going over with something like Beaphar pet disinfectant for small animals and can then get it outside in the sunshine for a day or two that will really help remove any set in odours. Plus fresh air and sunlight helps disinfect.
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