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Old 04-01-2022, 03:58 PM  
Cosmic Hamsters
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Join Date: May 2019
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Default Re: Life Goal Achieved :)

Originally Posted by Ria P View Post
That will look lovely once all your paintings are up and you have all the bits and bobs you want.

I had no idea Moonbeam is so tame and calm now. I remember her being a bit of a handful at first. Just shows what kindness and proper care can do to a hamster. They thrive and find happiness.
She walked onto my hand from day1, but I have had to work hard at trying to give her what she needs. She has settled down a lot, but I still wouldn't trust her with kids, you have to be able to read her body language for sure.

Also, when she was at the vets they had to give her a bit of gas so they could examine her, in their words she was a bit fiesty. lol. I sent her there with a note, saying she might try to bite if prodded too much, do i know my hamster or do I know my hamster

I often wonder if she would be a totally different hamster if she had a different start to her life. I can put her in a travel carrier not a problem, put her in a small cage with bars on the top or any barred cage for that matter and she will go mental.
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