Thread: Shaun!
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Old 03-26-2022, 08:00 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Feb 2022
Location: Norway,Lofoten
Posts: 72
Default Re: Shaun!

Thank you both so much!

We put together some pipes we bought at a hardware store today, hubby is completely into making his cage exciting which is very fun to watch. But I decided we would wait until he has settled before we put them in as to not scare and confuse him. Let him get used to his cage the way it is rn begore we change stuff. Or, its not as much changing the setup, but adding to it to make use of the space at the roof of his cage.
The pipes are pretty smooth tho, so we might have to glue some cork inside to give him some grip where it goes up/down.

I also put some hard boiled egg in a small dish for him for a nice dinner when he gets up later.

I will update you on the pipe situation and how he is settling. Rn I can hear some gnawing from the cage so he might be enjoying his stash inside one of his houses
✿ Axeriax ✿

Keeper of D.Va the Leopard Gecko
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