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Old 03-14-2022, 04:58 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: My Roborovski Dwarf Hamster prefers less space

I keep substrate simple just in case - paper based substrate, and a good brand of chinchilla bathing sand. I probably wouldn't even try coconut fibre personally as I'm so aware of their sensitive respiratory tracts and susceptibility to respiratory infection.

I just use things like cork bark and millet sprays for interesting textures - and a coconut hut. Or wood items. All our hamsters have loved their round coconut hides. I've been tempted to use interesting things but I really don't think the hamsters are bothered whether it's "natural" or not - it seems to be more a human thing to make it natural. In fact one thing a lot of hamsters like is cardboard! Which is good for making cheap toys and enrichment. I have a hammock made out of a cardboard egg box and robos also like things like toilet roll inner tubes or egg box hide outs (and other cardboard hides). Also safe for them to chew if they feel like it.

Robos are notorious for loving their sand baths and would probably bathe in anything that seemed sandy. Even Chinchilla bathing sand you have to be careful. It must say sand not "dust" on the packet.

I think enrichment for a hamster is plenty of places to go and things to do. Someone earlier mentioned robos like to have plenty of overhead cover and this is true. So sometimes it's not the extra space that's the issue but that they feel exposed from above. So the usual layout for a robo is the cage floor filled with tunnels and hideouts so they can dart from one to another and stay under cover.

Having a platform is almost essential (and you'd have space for that in a bigger tank). It's something they can sit under and surprisingly they like climbing onto. I guess they don't feel so exposed on a platform as it's higher up nearer the roof. It's also a good place to put heavier ceramic items. I have the sand bath on a platform in my cage.

I like the large cork logs as a floor toy in our robos cage as well. It may seem like a large tunnel for a tiny hamster, but what it does is provide overhead cover, and also something they can climb over safely if they're feeling bolder.

Our Robo Pip's set up is on this page (under "Savic Plaza set up for a Robo) in case that gives any ideas. He uses all of it! The first two or three weeks he hid away but he loves running up that ladder.

Let's see your cages - New thread - July 2017

I attached the big hammock to the roof so it was darker underneath for him. And he wasn't supposed to be able to get up there. But then I hung the egg box hammock next to/under it - to cover up things underneath - just in case he happened to climb to the roof and fall. And have now found he climbs into the egg box from the back shelf and into the hammock and gets off at the other end on the shelf!
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