Thread: Hemp matts
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Old 03-13-2022, 03:33 AM  
Whimzee dealer
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Default Re: Hemp matts

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
Hello. I prefer the ones from Rodipet - they are not quite as thick to cut and good quality. Before that I used to get the Hugro ones from Zooplus. They're not all the same - some are terrible quality and shed like crazy or smell funny! I like the rodipet ones best - but it depends what you're using them for. Mine don't get wet. I used them on top of a shelf or a house roof (to cushion any falls so they don't land on something hard). Or for a bit of insulation on top of the house in winter. Or to keep the shelf clean and dry. I have never had a hamster pee on them. I did have a water bottle leak on one once, and then you can either dry it out or bin it if it's gone funny, and cut a new piece. They are quite big mats and you just cut what you want off them.

It sounds like you don't have a house and your hamster lives in a burrow so not sure how you're thinking of using them.

This is the rodipet one I get usually - easy to cut and not too thick

RodipetŪ Hemp Mat 100 x 40 cm

This is the Hugro one - also good but thicker and harder to cut (but not impossible) - depends what you want really

Hemp Floor for Small Pets |
Thank you for all these tips. I was thinking of using a hemp matt to line a wooden cage. I thought of using sticky back plastic but read on here it is not suitable. I read some people line the bottom of the cage with hemp matts. Is there something else that would be better to line a cage with? I will be painting it with sealant before using it.
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