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Old 03-10-2022, 09:32 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 4
Default Re: vet wants to extract hamster tooth, advice please!

Follow up:

I went to her normal exotic vet today who initially used to trim her teeth before i found someone a bit more local. She took a look at Mistys teeth and one her bottom incisors is still red/inflamed, she also said it looks like the tooth is growing crooked.

Her painkillers have been upped by x2 and she's also given some antibiotics (baytril) just in case of an infection but it seems like it's just inflamation for now.

She doesn't want to go ahead with tooth extraction as due to the inflamation and crookedness it seems like it could be pretty difficult to do and a high risk of infection etc.

She will go back to the Vet in 7-10 days for further assessment, until then she will be on soft foods. She has become a little more active playing on wheel etc though which is nice!

Will keep this thread updated in case anyone else is going through something similar! Thank you Stanza and Ria for the kind words.
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