Thread: Hamster sitting
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Old 03-08-2022, 05:53 PM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 409
Default Re: Hamster sitting

I think I’ve seen that video before but had forgotten about it. I was going to make that bridge from it! I’ll need to start hoarding a few to make one now XD but even if my shelf and tube doesn’t work that would be an extra level for her. Also I hadn’t actually thought of a Pringle can but I had given her a tube before and she showed very little interest. She poked her head in but wouldn’t go further, she’s quite big so I wonder if she maybe see is at as too small. Maybe there’s another product with the same material but bigger tube size I’d have to thing. Would save me weaving cardboard!

I never even thought of that type of job to be honest! I could ask around the university I have tried to get in as a lab assistant for a couple of projects but it always seems third year students get the job. I did try looking at some work from home jobs also but they ask you to have no pets in case you need to video chat and they’re seen. (I know hamster would be no bother but we do have a bird and a cat also). And they’d need to do a home visit and I was originally just going to lie about the pet thing and shut them out my room, but I can’t hide it if they visited and they ask you to have an office and we have no spare rooms.

I actually enjoy painting, not that I’m any good at it and I’d love to do my uni work and sell art alongside it but nothing ever sells. I tried on Etsy when your first sale is at a reduced amount and no interest. But to be fair everyone says art is hard to sell.
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