Thread: Hamster sitting
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Old 03-08-2022, 11:05 AM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 409
Default Re: Hamster sitting

Yeah I’ve thought about all that myself! It would be dangerous for me to fall in love with them XD Also as you say, all I can tell for now is they have wood shavings as there bedding and a potentially small cage. I wonder if maybe their wheel is small also and then I’ll end up spending the money I earn trying to make things better.

I wouldn’t want to encourage bad hamster care so there’s the part of me that thinks if I did it maybe I could sneakily suggest things. But at the same time if they go on holiday a lot and it’s their kids hamsters then it would be difficult for them to ever have a fulfilled life.

They’ve gone quiet on me now since I’ve asked about the cage situation so I’ll wait and see if they say anymore. Half tempted just to buy a cage if they don’t have two just because I don’t want them to go to someone irresponsible.
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