Thread: Why a hamster?
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Old 03-07-2022, 11:57 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
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Default Why a hamster?

It's March now and in March 2019 i got my first hamster. I'm in my 60's so discovered the joys of sharing a house with hamsters late in life. I dislike the phrase "owning a hamster" because i couldn't own a human as neither of them is a possession.

Just now i asked myself what made me decide to get a hamster and i wonder what motivated other people to welcome a hamster into their lives.

I missed having a pet and a hamster was asleep when i was at work. My research consisted of watching youtube (didn't know about Erin and Victoria then) and chatting to my OH who had a hamster in the 70's. Great start.

Only place i knew of that had hamsters was petsathome so of i went to buy the first hamster who walked out of the tank, our lovely silver grey boy Henry. I had bought a p@h xl cage the day before and set it all up.

Like two little kiddies we sat by the cage and watched baby hamster monkey barring and falling off the ceiling. We had no idea that hamsters could do that and got a bit worried so went on the internet to learn about hamsters.

LUCKILY, the internet brought up a website called Hamster Central so i had a browse, liked what i saw, realized that i didn't have a clue and an awful lot to learn and the rest is history.
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