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Old 02-27-2022, 03:15 PM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 409
Default Re: Real men don't keep hamsters

I don’t like to make presumptions about people when I’m not entirely clear on the topic but I study psychology and one thing we’ve been looking into recently is gender differences. Obviously I know nowadays there’s men, women and everything inbetween but normally there are biological differences between sexes. Those who are transgender often have brain structures similar to that of the gender they feel they identify as so we can be pretty certain there are differences.

What’s normally assumed is women normally end up being ‘people’ oriented and more emotional, and men tend to like ‘things’. When looking at studying psychology around 80% of the students are female, whereas on 12% of engineers are female. It’s why STEM came out to encourage more females into the field.

Obviously when hormones are considered again women are more sympathetic towards things and tend to be more caring towards animals. But I don’t like saying that men don’t have hamsters as such. I have a hamster and my partner always says he can’t hold her for too long because he loves her so much he has to grit his teeth. He loves all our pets but I think men do tend to like animals they can be a little rougher with normally like dogs.

He has a cat and constantly refers to her as a panther. She’s actually scared of everything lol but she is our mini panther. But I don’t know if I wasn’t with him if he would have a hamster of his own.

And like Serendipity said it could also be a camera thing, and relating back to the ‘people’ and ‘things’ a guy might be more likely to post his car than his pets. Also, just how society is women are allowed to melt over animals, and I know things are much more equal now, but I think a lot of men still feel they’d be seen as weak to see an animal as cute. Men tend hide their personal lives whereas women are more open to be emotional.

Like I said at the start I don’t like to make presumptions on topics I don’t know 100% but there may be a difference. Also, some men are more feminine and some women are more masculine so if there is a difference it may just be coincidental or be due to differences in lifestyle or something instead.
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