Thread: Meet Spirit
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Old 02-20-2022, 12:58 PM  
Whimzee dealer
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Smile Re: Meet Spirit

Originally Posted by Threeheadedfly View Post
Well...I went to the pet store for cat food and a rat toy and came home with a new little buddy. Wait...before you come at me with the torches and pitchforks for impulse buying a pet let me assure you that I was already set up for a hamster. My Mochi passed away last year and I had decided not to replace him. But...
This little guy was off by himself with a note attached to his cage. I asked the manager about him and was told that he is unsellable because of anxiety and aggression. She said he is a winter white, his name is Spirit, and he is 9-10 months old. Said he needs a low stress environment and a minimal amount of handling. Wanted him to go to a house with hamster experience. I decided that he would fit in just fine around here. She rang him up as "damaged" and gave him to me for free. (After these past couple years who among us isn't a bit damaged...right?)
He is happily situated in my nice quiet craft room in a 65 gallon tank with litter deep enough to tunnel through. I let him try out a few wheels and he chose the 6.5 inch silent spinner. He screams if you touch him but will politely take treats from your hand. Any touching has to be his decision.
My last few hamsters were teddybears. I have not really researched the specific dietary needs of a winter white so I grabbed a bag of Oxbow pellets and Higgins Sunburst seed mix. I am a little concerned about the amount of fruit in the seed mix. His favorite treats are dried insects. I'd love recommendations for a good food brand for him.
Also he loves to spend time in his litter box. Not going potty...just digging. I think I need to add a digging box to his cage. Something a bit bigger and filled with something other than potty litter. I'd love any advice about that.
Nice to meet you all!
I think it is wonderful you have rescued Spirit. It sounds like Spirit needs lots of love and patience. I am planning to get a dwarf hamster myself.
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