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Old 02-15-2022, 05:54 AM  
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 243
Default How can I understand my hamster?

this might be a stupid question, but how do I know if my hamster is stressed or curious or what he exactly wants?
If I take him out from his cage he starts running around and exploring, but then again isn't it a sign of a stress? I cant tell if he likes being outside or not.
How should I know if my hamster likes being outside? I can tell that he doesn't like being in a playpen, because he acts very differently and wants to get out immediately when I put him there. He doesn't do that in a cage.
I've also heard that they run in a hamster ball, because they're stressed, not because they like it. I don't have a hamster ball, by the way and I won't get one.
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