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Old 01-28-2022, 12:11 PM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Posts: 7,103
Default Re: Ethical Hamster Fair

It's not called an ethical hamster show but a hamster fair.

I think it's something quite different from regular hamster shows and the fact that there are no live animals involved will appeal to quite a lot of people. People who prefer hamsters to be at home and in the comfort of their nests.

Also, if people are able to buy decent hamster supplies and accessories they won't mind paying the admission because they save that on postage alone when ordering online.

If there's any money left after deducting the expenses and going to Happy Hamsters UK, that's even better.

Well, i'm excited about it and hope that they will also have hamster fairs further south.
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