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Old 01-28-2022, 07:01 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Ethical Hamster Fair

It's a nice idea though - to widen the promotion of hamster care. But I can see the concerns - there isn't a lot of information about who the industry professionals are etc. I think it probably stems from enthusiasm for ensuring hamsters are cared for, if it's for a rescue. That particular rescue (and yes I adopted PIp from there) do specify minimum cage sizes etc for people adopting - but not excessively so.

It is maybe a combination of fund raising for the rescue and wanting to raise awareness of hamster care. Although as there will be no hamsters, I would have thought the only people going would be those who already have hamsters!

I understand the concerns though Amethyst. The "one size fits all" approach doesn't always work. Maybe someone should go along and review the event. I can't unfortunately.

Happy Hamsters seem like very nice caring people though. It could just be showing good products versus bad (eg bedding, unsafe cages and wheels etc). I know they use Alaska cages and Hamster Heavens so they must think those are suitable!

Maybe it's the word "ethical" that isn't explained as well. It could mean only using ethical products (like recycled bedding) as opposed to ethical hamster lifestyles. Or it could refer to ethical breeding. The leaflet could have more info!

I would think ethical breeding would be mentioned, with there being so many hamsters rescued.
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