Thread: Help, please!!
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Old 01-19-2022, 12:05 PM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 409
Default Re: Help, please!!

I’m super super happy you are keeping them! I know it’s very stressful as you’ve basically been miss-sold something, and it really does add up the dots especially when you have to make a new enclosure from scratch. I think it’s amazing what you’ve chosen to do and I hope you like having both of them too, it can be nice having two hamsters together as you get two personalities also. You asked also for adequate home size, I actually saw a nice checklist from an adoption page the other day but I can’t seem to attach it, I’ll write it below. Best wishes for the future and good luck!

-80x50cm minimum enclosure of unbroken floor space
-21cm+ wheel
-a large sand bath or area of sand that covers 1/3 of the enclosure (I think just a large sand bath would be fine)
-6 inches deep paper based bedding in at least 2/3 of the enclosure
-minimum 2x small-medium hides/tunnels
-a multi-chamber hide
-species appropriate food mix
-forage mix
-sprays (flax, millet, oat, wheat, sorghum)
-chew toys
-boredom breakers
-a bathtub, playpen or hamster-proofed free roam area
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