Re: New Hamster...3 days in...when and how to clean?
As the nights get lighter they tend to come out earlier as well. Keeping the room an even temperature helps. They don’t like the cold. In fact if the room is cold they sometimes won’t even come out to use the wheel at night. It’s still pretty cold at night at the moment. Rather than leave the hearing on I have a little oil filled radiator on a thermostat I leave on at night in winter. I know wheh the room was warm all night I’d find ours happily chilling in his hanging Sputnik. Like he was sunbathing. But the main reason to make sure the room temperature doesn’t drop too low at night is to prevent torpor (people call it hibernation but it’s actually torpor and they rarely come out of it if they get too cold). It’s why they build such big nests snd pile substrate round the house. They don’t like the cold!