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Old 12-31-2021, 08:15 PM  
Newborn Pup
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Default Re: Help me get rescued syrians in better cages! Need advice!

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
Oh boy I had that too! OH was jealous of the first hamster. Hissy fits now and then. Comments like “that hamster gets more attention than the rest of us”. and “that hamster ears better than the rest of us.” And “why don’t you come to bed earlier” .

Ria I am so sorry Father Christmas didn’t bring you a cordless dremel. I suspect it was a supply and demand issue due to people being off sick during the pandemic. As with hamsters cages and shortage of iPads and Xbox 1x’s (I hear).

Maybe Father Christmas will be more organised and get his act together by next Christmas

OP - probably a bit late now but personally I would leave the shavings for a while. They have had a lot of change. Moved to you, moved into the bins. Another week of shavings would do no real harm. Less harm than any additional stress right now. Personally I would just add some additional substrate in with the shavings snd spot clean the pee area as and when needed. Gradually over the next two or three weeks there will be less shavings and more paper substrate if you keep doing that, but the environment will still smell familiar and less upheaval for them.

But if you’ve already done it then I would leave them alone for 2 or 3 days to adjust an just out food out.
I haven't swapped the shavings out yet actually. I just brought them in from outside (it is snowing!!), so they are warming up right now. I'll just add some of the new bedding & spot clean, rather than doing a huge swap and stressing them out even more.

Thank you for the advice
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