Help me get rescued syrians in better cages! Need advice!
Hi! I need everyone's help please!
My partner's parents gave us their daughters syrian hamsters to bring to the animal shelter, not sure age but she got them recently as babies and they are still youngish. I believe they are both males, and they are in the SAME tiny critter cage. (They ran around my bathroom and I have watched them, no fights or scuffles, but I know they need into sep cages asap)
We can't keep them, but I want to get them in better cages before surrounding them to the shelter (who can't take them til this Sun)
Can anyone please provide links to best cages for syrian hamsters on amazon prime? Along with what wheel is recommended, I know they need larger ones for the back? Trying to keep everything around 200-300 max, but most likely they will be staying in this cage at the shelter, and perhaps with new owner, so trying to make it somewhat decent.
Would like food suggestions as well, right now they are just on a cheapo walmart mi which I know is not good.
I gave them some apple and spinach, and broken dog biscuit which they like.
Currently they are on pine shavings, are those okay? I usually use carefresh, but don't want to invest too much since we cant keep them.
Needs to be stuff that ships from amazon.
I know syrians need a ton of space though, but anything will be better than their current cage.
Thank you ina advance!!
Have to go to appt now, but will write more later and share photos.