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Old 12-27-2021, 12:57 PM  
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 243
Default Re: My hamster just attacked me for the first time ever

Maybe he wants a new wheel? I don't know why that theory, but there's something wrong ��
I haven't made any changes to his cage and I don't know... He has always been super friendly. He doesn't even have bugs anymore.
He has no reason not to like me. I never hurt him and I every evening I've spent time with him playing and being on playpen, designing new tracks, running on my bed and having fun together.
He has never bar chewed before. I was thinking if my hamster even can do that but it turns out he can.

He bar chews only when I am close. He just wants to get rid of me. I don't know. I'm not touching him for now. I tried to talk to him and I told him that we have to get along, because he's all I've got and he has nowhere else to go, so we have to get along somehow, but after that he bit my palm and he literally keeps holding onto my finger, palm and he won't let go.

OMG THE WORLDS MOST AGGRESSIVE HAMSTER - YouTube -> I cant even find a video of how my hamster behaved. I put my hand in his cage, but he didn't react to my hand. I honestly don't know. I don't want to get bitten or bully him anymore, so I'll leave him alone. I just placed a few more toys there.

I feel like an awful hamster owner. And yes, he has a bigger cage than in the video. His cage is bigger than his playpen, but I can't currently afford a bigger playpen.
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