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Old 12-23-2021, 05:06 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Covid on Hamster ?

I didn’t know this. I am also so sorry for your loss. In a way it doesn’t surprise me as it’s well known that hamsters have sensitive respiratory tracts and can catch cold and flu viruses from humans - and Covid is a virus. Which is why hamster owners with colds and flu are often advised to keep away from their hamsters when infected and have someone else put food and water out for a while (I have tended to just wash my hands and have been known to wear a mask when I have a cold, and needed to feed the hamster, even before Covid existed.

It is very sad and in your case this virus is so infectious that protection of the hamster may have been difficult to achieve.

Thank you for posting this and highlighting this. A good reason to keep a hamster cage in a room other than the main living area then - and wearing a mask when going in that room. But it does sound like if they are very susceptible and someone has Covid it may be something that can’t be prevented easily. And of course we also have to take care ourselves.
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