Re: Should i put my hamster down?
I think I'm with Ria on this one. And was in a similar situation recently. My hamster improved after a course of antibiotics. But relapsed again. At that point it would have taken days for any medicine to start working again and he was already suffering, so it seemed unfair to prolong the suffering. The main thing that helped the decision as well was he stopped eating - so he wasn't taking any medicine (he was on pain meds as well) as I was putting it in food and didn't want to force anything on him.
Your hamster sounds like she is suffering now. Her ears are down all the time - that is a sign she is in pain. They are very good at hiding pain. If she's not eating then yes it sounds like she may be nearing her time. But sometimes they can take a long time to die. If they have a strong heart. And during that time they are suffering.
I always ask for gas anaesthesia before they are put to sleep (not all vets do this). So they sleep peacefully and don't know anything about it. I think it's time to help her on her way.