Thread: Mating hamster?
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Old 11-22-2021, 09:21 AM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 409
Default Mating hamster?

I don’t know how to politely write the title 😂 just I have a question which I don’t think is harmful behaviour at all but I never saw daf-daf do it once, and Mitzi maybe does it once a week?

So I believe it’s the stance they take when they’re ready to mate, I don’t have any clear photos of it unfortunately but apparently when a male presses a females back at a certain point it makes them almost paralysed and her little tail sticks up.

I just want to know is it unusual to do it this often? I normally just gently stroke her as she comes out the cage and she sometimes does this, I don’t do it intentionally but just knowing how easily female reproductive parts can become infected I’m wondering if she’s over producing or something. Also is there a way to reduce the effect of this, since I read up it makes them vulnerable to predators this stance and I worry it causes her stress when it happens.
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