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Old 11-12-2021, 06:20 PM  
Hamster Overlord
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Default Re: Handling time per day

It depends on the hamster. There isn't really a recommended amount of time. Some of them are quite happy with no handling at all, and others can never get enough attention.

I try to give Bramble about half of hour of free roaming time at least a couple of times a week, and most days I pick her up and hold her/stroke her for a bit. There are days when I don't pick her up at all, just because I'm busy/tired. She's a very outgoing hamster and likes to be fussed over. Other hamsters are more self-contained and don't really appreciate attention much.

I think it is a good idea to try to handle a hamster on a regular basis if you can because you're more likely to notice health issues such as lumps etc. Bramble has a lump on her chest which is invisible under her fur and I only noticed it by feeling it. I also find you can sometimes get a sense if something has changed by the way they feel in your hand, whether they feel lighter or more bony, or their posture is different.
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