Thread: Betsy
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Old 11-09-2021, 04:43 PM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
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Default Re: Betsy

Got a bad feeling about Betsy. She is not well.

I checked her mouth which looks fine so no infection there but there's something not right about her mobility.
She's wobbly and not using her back legs properly. She can't have had a fall because she lives in a Hamster Heaven and there are no fall risks. She keeps one eye closed when the other is half open and doesn't want to eat or drink. I tried baby food and allsorts, give her water from a syringe.
She mostly stays in her ceramic hide.

She's not a healthy hamster and i wonder if she had a stroke or maybe the anesthetic was too much for her system.
I'm not sure of her age but was told that she's six months when i bought her from a woman in January. The woman had to ask her kids when i asked the hamster's name so maybe the age was a guess.

She's on metacam and i can't see what else a vet could do so have to let nature take its course and try and keep her as comfortable as possible.
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