I've had many hamsters over the years and always thought it was best to fully disinfect & clean their cage once a week, but I've read lots of different posts today which recommend cleaning much less often than this, with lots of people saying they only do it once a month or even less often, otherwise the hamster can get stressed.
I currently have a 2-month old male Syrian hamster in a Criceti 100 cage and I use Fitch as the substrate in the base of the cage. I've only had him for a couple of weeks but he seems to have started using his hamster toilet to pee in, so I'm wondering if really I only need to be cleaning that once a week and then do a full clean of the cage every two weeks or even once a month maybe? Most of his poos seem to be around his wheel or on the platforms, so I spot clean and pick those out every day.
I know you're supposed to reserve some of the bedding when you clean and not replace all of it so it smells familiar, but knowing how often I should really be doing it would be very helpful.
Thank you