Thread: advice
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Old 10-29-2021, 05:52 PM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 409
Default Re: advice

Absolutely not going to judge you! The fact you posted asking and have genuine concern for your hamster means you’re probably a great owner �� You know I recently rescued a hamster who had never been never handled and was in a cage sized 345sq and was using a wheel that was 16cm in diameter. That I have to judge because it’s just neglect. She’s Syrian and seven inches long so she’s not small, she was monkey barring and bar biting like crazy when I first got her.

I think it’s a great idea if it’s your only option to expand but think about how they’d get up. If you use a tube they can get stuck so ladder would be better. Please be aware though it’s recommended to have 450sq of continuous run space (most would recommend 80x50cm) so doing this would not combine that. Also since they are quite blind having heights can add danger if they fall so make sure either the lower cage has a lot of bedding or something to cushion a fall.

I do know what you mean about space though as I live in a very small flat so I used to have a cage with more height than floor space. But with my new hammie I got a 70x50cm just in case a hamster came along. I really thought I wouldn’t be able to walk in and out of by my bed anymore. But having it there it’s actually not as bad as you’d think, I’m not even bothering with 80x50 next I’m just going to jump to 100x50 when one at the right price comes along.

There is such a thing as minimum cage size to compensate for the fact most the time they’re awake, we’re asleep so they don’t have much running room else. I’m going to guess the new cage is about 65cm x 40cm? So, honestly just doing that slight jump up a bit bigger from that isn’t as big as you’d think. I’d just calculated mine apparently it’s 513sq so for 5cm more length and 10cm width it makes a big difference. I know most people here recommend 80x50 and I’d have to agree after owning this one.

Also, I know people will probably disagree with me saying this �� but of course cage size is important, but I actually am I night owl, and I just let my hamster run around my entire room when I’m in bed. I keep an eye on her of course, and if she start chewing it’s straight back to the cage. She can reach the cage door so can climb back in herself if need be. But I let her out for hours so by the time I put her back she goes in the wheel for half hour then to bed as she’s already had such a massive run around. So handling is as much of a factor in my opinion, but I know others will disagree!

I literally got mine for £10 on Facebook marketplace too so you can find them inexpensive if you get secondhand. I should also add if your hamster is constantly climbing bars or biting then a bigger cage should be the only thing to concentrate on.

I hope I somehow helped ��

Edit: They’ll hopefully be some more experienced owners respond so I felt I should add that what I say is the best I know, but they’ll know better!

Last edited by Lilafernim; 10-29-2021 at 05:57 PM.
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