Thread: Nightmares?!
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Old 10-26-2021, 05:30 PM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 409
Default Re: Nightmares?!

Wow that’s actually crazy! 😂 it’s just so strange since stereotypically hamsters and mice a cute small things that squeak. Like you say they’re not squeakers they’re screechers!

I do remember my Russian dwarf when I got her for the very first time, she made this sort of deep screeching noise. For me as a kid it was sort of disturbing to see this pretty hippo shaped bed knowing what cuteness laid beyond, and this terrible noise coming out. My dad had to pick her up for the first time as I was terrified by it and he was scared of mice. it was pretty funny.

I don’t remember her doing it ever again though, my Syrians are the only ones who have done it frequently though.

It really goes to show hamsters can all be different personalities and they can break the ‘norm’ between species as well.

Thank you for what you have said it’s very reassuring ❤️ I don’t think you would want a screecher 😂 I’d say it’s a hamsters version of a blood curdling scream it’s so disturbing and you check on them and they look like nothings happened!

I’ll record notes for a while and if I find any patterns I’ll upload to this thread as it may be interesting. I know time is a great healer of things but you are absolutely right, the confidence a hamster can make with time is amazing - Mitzi being a shining example, and the same with your Newt (love the name!)

Thank you 😊
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