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Old 10-18-2021, 04:23 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: New hamster very scatty

Hope she settles down soon. If she does want to come out, maybe just transport her to the bathtub with a couple of toys in. You can gradually start some hand taming then.

Start by stroking her gently on the back with one finger while she's running around in the tub (they often slither up and down the sides). If she jerks round then stop - then try again a bit later. Eventually she'll accept being stroked on the back by a finger without jerking around.

Then move onto putting your hand flat on the base of the bath, palm up and just let her walk over it while she's exploring. Maybe have a tube or tunnel in there and a hidey place and scatter some treats. So start slowly. It might take a few sessions over 2 or 3 weeks or even 6 weeks, maybe twice a week. So if she gets to the point of walking over your hand then she's used to it. Next time lift your hand very slightly as she walks over it - maybe just 1cm off the floor of the bath - but still let her walk off. On the next session lift your hand a bit higher - maybe one inch - but still let her walk off. Don't try and hold her.

Once you've done that a few times you should be able to move on to letting her walk from one hand to the other by putting one in front of the other, and slightly tunnel your hands.

Once she accepts that you'll be able to pick her up without her "pinging" (ie leaping two feet in the air while wriggling free instantaneously!).

It worked really well with our first hamster. I thought he'd never be tame. But once we could pick him up easily he was tame as anything. They just learn to trust your touch.
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