Thread: Pickle's Thread
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Old 10-13-2021, 07:04 AM  
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: Pickle's Thread

Pickle is just the same - still active, still using his wheel. His eye is no worse. Occasionally looks a bit weepy. He had the antibiotics for 3 weeks. The swelling round the eye, I think is less but maybe it isn't.

Had a call with the vet on Monday to ask her about continuing with antibiotics, and as I suspected, she was very much against that idea. She seems very concerned about antibiotics generally becoming resistant and said he'd become resistant, then I might become resistant and then she might become resistant (I kind of follow the logic there but ....).

I said my concern was it had got much better after 10 days of antibiotics and I was concerned if it was a trapped abscess it would come right back again and his eye protrude again and I didn't want him to go through that again, but also don't want to have him pts while he is still so active and enjoying life (and food).

So she said to stop the antibiotics and if it did come back to restart them again (but that could take another 10 days) but her feeling was if it came right back then the antibiotics hadn't work and they'd prescribe a different one. She also still thinks it's a tumour and maybe it was the metacam that made things shrink and improve. Which is possible too I guess. Although I do think the antibiotics improved the eye.

Basically no-one knows what's going on behind his eye but all agreed to continue keeping him on Metacam.

So fingers crossed his eye doesn't get worse again now he's off the Baytril. I'm not the vet but was going with a gut feeling based on knowledge of tooth abscess - which get better after antibiotics but only temporarily because the abscess is trapped in a bony socket and can't get out, so it just starts getting worse again once the antibiotics stop.

I think it probably is a tumour though if the swelling didn't go down completely (either that or the antibiotics didn't work) but as she said at the last appointment - could have been secondary infection as well.

All I know is something definitely burst in that first week and his eye went back to more normal - if slightly weepy occasionally.

But he carries on as usual, still likes to come out and seems very keen to free roam and jump off the sofa. Still scales the sofa. He's very active and just the same as ever.

Vet did say he will need to be pts at some point. And I know that, which was hard to accept at first - unless of course something else happens meanwhile, like a sudden heart attack or something.

So he is just living out his life on Metacam for now until he shows signs of suffering.
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