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Old 10-01-2021, 05:25 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

She was lovely and looks happy. She was lucky to have a loving home. So it sounds like you went with your instincts and they were right. That she may not have made it to the vets. At least she passed at home with you.

I think Tuftyfluffs are still breeding as usual. From what others have said, she can be slow to reply.

I grieved terribly after our first syrian died - he was very much a loved family pet and part of the family. But none of us really got over it until we had another little Syrian baby hamster - and it made us laugh again. He was a different colour and a completely different personality and I wished I had done it sooner. It can help to get a different species (eg a roborovski), or a Syrian of a different sex and/or colouring.

You could also look at adoption. It is surprising how many people advertise a hamster only a few weeks old because a child has got bored. There are also hamster rescues with plenty of young ones. Although they probably came from a pet shop originally, I always think if they've survived being rescued then they are tough ones! Our first hamster was a pet shop hamster (not PAH) and lived to 2 years 8 months. We've had two pedigrees and one rescue. The rescue lived to just over 2 years and passed in his sleep. So some is just luck. We had an adopted robo from being a baby (they are supposed to live longer) and he became ill at 18 months.

They are such rewarding little things - they give us so much that I just felt truly grateful when they passed - they leave a hole in your heart but that can be filled by another fur baby who needs a loving owner. It is surprising how different their personalities are too.

The hardest part is cleaning out the cage. Putting things away out of sight can help for a while and also it helps after a little memorial or burial. To help move on. I also think a change of scene helps a lot - a week-end away or day out.

Play well over the Rainbow Bridge Daf Daf. She's free from pain now. You must miss her but she is running free now.
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