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Old 10-01-2021, 01:23 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

I am so sorry you’ve lost your little girl and that her decline was so quick. As Souffle says, it could have been anything. Any abdominal swelling is almost always serious though - usually it occurs in old age as a result of tumour or organ failure (fluid). But they can get tumours younger. Female hamsters can also get pyometra (womb infection) which can be difficult to cure and is usually an emergency. But fluffy type bedding is also a cause of blockages leading to death. There are a number of petitions trying to have it banned from sale. The kapok, even though natural, is just as bad for it. Plain white toilet paper torn into strips is the safest.

It’s hard when we don’t know why our little hamster has passed and it could be so many things. Sometimes, yes there is a genetic predisposition. Syrians are normally so healthy as well that vet visits are rarely needed until they get old age symptoms and conditions so it catches us unaware if they go downhill quickly.

I am glad your hamster had you there giving comfort at the end. You could have an autopsy but it would be expensive and while it may give answers, it may not either.

For the future, any sign of lumps or swelling at that age needs a vet visit (although sometimes they don’t get there in time) - with an exotic vet. They know a lot more about hamsters. A lot of vets don’t know much about hamsters.

There is an article somewhere showing a vet operating on a hamster with a blockage snd removing a lot of fluffy bedding - pulled out through the rear end. Which was the cause. They will eat all kinds of silly things as well - chocolate is poisonous to them too. Marbles, Lego - you name it. They need to be watched.

I hope you find another little hamster friend. I found it helps to have another one. It doesn’t replace the one you loved but is a different personality and a new friend.

And do come on here and ask any questions you want - we’ve all had various experiences, some owners are very experienced (and experienced breeders like Souffle) and it’s a friendly place. Plus we’re all into hamsters!

Last edited by Pebbles82; 10-01-2021 at 01:33 PM.
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