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Old 09-30-2021, 03:23 AM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 409
Default Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

Hi all, I am new to this forum.

I had a hamster called Daf-daf (nickname from daffodil) and she was the most beautiful, stunning little thing. I loved her and still do love her with all my heart.

She was one year old which is not old for a Syrian hamster, and I’m just so confused as to why she died as it was so sudden.

We went to get her out in the evening, as we normally do. And my partner said she had two greyish lumps on her sides, at first I didn’t believe him, but as I felt more he was right. She was still moving around fine and eating, so I just put her back in her home.

The next morning I checked on her and she was weaker, but could still walk in and out of her home. We gave her some carrot because at this point we wondered if maybe she was constipated as there wasn’t many poos in the home. We ordered some natural antibiotics and some hamster multivits to arrive the next day. We didn’t phone the vet because she was okay just lethargic.

By the afternoon when it was too late to go to the vets, I checked on her again and she was so bad. She couldn’t stand, her stomach was massive, she was so cold, when she did walk she’s instantly collapse and just go to sleep.

We got her a hot water bottle and warmed her up, she perked up a bit so we still had hope she’d make it to the next day in order to see a vet or try the medicine.

Then she just plummeted, it was so horrible to see her that weak. You’d think she was dead how she lay she was barely breathing. My partner and I just cuddled her and gave her lots of kisses until she died.

I just am so confused why. I hadn’t questioned it before, but I wondered if she was constipated because I presumed the black dots in her cage were poos but there were just hidden seeds, and some small poos. I look back and I think she was more tired than usual that week and her appetite had gone down.

I worry as for her birthday a couple weeks ago, I got her a kapok pod since it’s got bedding, good chew toy and has seeds in. I’m wondering if that constipated her but it was two weeks ago? She’s also had soft bedding her entire life with no issues.

I read online about tumours, and I did get her from pets at home so I wonder if there was a genetic disposition I didn’t know about.

I really miss her, I just can’t believe her sweet little cheeky face is gone.

R.I.P my little angel ❤️🐹
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