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Old 08-30-2021, 02:18 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Greater London
Posts: 136
Default Re: what to do about potential respiratory infection

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
No he doesn't look good and is clearly struggling. How is he today? I would call the vet and explain he is still on the antibiotics and metacam and show them the video if you can. It might mean calling the out of hours vet. Maybe say you would prefer not to bring him in as he is in a bad way but can email a video. And ask if they think an increase in antibiotics or a change in antibiotics would help.

After he's fallen over on your video you can see him panting quite a bit. It could be lack of oxygen if his breathing is still bad - ie no oxygen to his legs or head etc, hence collapsing.

He looks to be in lovely condition fur wise, and doesn't look old. It's very tough.
he's still doing the same today, I haven't seen him much as he tends to not wake up much in the day (even before his illness). I'm gonna call the vet tomorrow and book an appointment to come in as the vets is only about 5 minutes away from my house and normally trips don't stress him out that much.

Yeah he hasn't shown any signs of ageing other than the wobbling and lethargy, it's why I was expecting so much longer with him cause he got ill pretty out of the blue, and it looked like he was getting better when he started the antibiotics though they don't seem to be helping him much anymore :(
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