Thread: Clarissa
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Old 08-29-2021, 06:46 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: Clarissa

I am so very sorry. You had a feeling she wasn’t doing well. I think you’re right that the cancer may have already spread and it sounds very quick and sudden if she was mid activity. She wouldn’t have known much about it all - a blessing in a way.

You did everything you could go make her life more comfortable and save her from a slow horrible death from cancer. If she hadn’t been unwell she wouldn’t have bothered about the bin cage much. In hindsight she was maybe trying to say goodbye to you by lying down - to let you know she knew she was getting ready to go. They do communicate in certain ways and it’s hard to know what it means sometimes.

So very hard for you. Any decision we make to try and help them is the right decision. Sometimes I think it helps to say thank you to them for the love and joy they brought us - she knew you loved her. No guilt.
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