Thread: Clarissa
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Old 08-28-2021, 08:40 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Posts: 7,103
Thumbs down Re: Clarissa

Clarissa isn't doing that well.
Her wound looks fine, dry and not weeping and the vet had tested for a uti pre surgery which was clear, i found out today.
Sometimes she lays there looking more dead than alive, then jumps up to go off nibbling on something.

I think that she's depressed because she looks utterly miserable. I kept her on the metacam for now.

I've adjusted her HH by lowering runs and making things easily accessible but was going to wait till Monday evening to move her back following the check up appt vet's advice.

I'm going to take her sand out for now and fill the bath with a different texture to move her tonight. Just off to the petshed to look for something she may like.

The dark and smelly wee could be dehydration. She drinks from the bottle a little but prefers a bowl and she was struggling with that large mass on her throat. Had to take the bowl out of her hospital cage because she got her wound wet, i think.

Phew, not easy trying to get things right for her because i often feel that i'm getting it all wrong.
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