Infested Hamster food
Hi, I have a 1-year-old Russian hamster, yesterday I noticed that both bags of her dwarf hamster seed mix had got tiny insects in it. I’m going to get some new food on Friday because it’s a specific food and hard to get. I didn’t know what to do in the meantime for food so gave her some veg, millet seeds which she usually has in her food and mealworms. This morning I checked up on her and she had a slightly wet bum. I have searched wet tail and it’s nothing as severe as that she’s done poos and they just aren’t as perfectly shaped as usual I may be overreacting and she has just urinated and that’s why it’s slightly wet. I don’t think it’s a major concern yet I’ll see how she goes it’s only 2 days till I get new food and I don’t want to upset her more by giving her different food of really low quality. She has a full branch of millets and I checked for any stored food she may have in her cage and there wasn’t any as she has recently been cleaned out and I had removed the food as it had been building up for a while. I would appreciate any advice.