Thread: Balding hamster
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Old 08-24-2021, 10:55 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 108
Default Balding hamster


I wondered if I might ask what you think this pattern of balding means:

Roc's hair

My hamster is called Roc, and he is 17 months old. Apart from the hair loss he is fit and well as far as I can see.

I cannot give him a full examination as he is very nervous and bites savagely if I pick him up. I stopped handling him at four months old, and he has been very happy in his cage living like a wild hamster, without any interference from us.

He is completely nocturnal and hurtles back down his pipe to his burrow if we walk into the room when he is awake at night, so I see him very little.

I have slept in his room recently though to check he is okay, and he definitely still runs on his wheel and zooms about the place. He was never very fast, but is not currently especially slow either.

I think he may just be getting old, but I wondered if anyone might know?

I have asked the vet twice by phone and am going to take Roc there in person once I recovered from covid. I'd be really glad to ask for advice here as I know you all have a lot of specialist knowledge though.


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