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Old 08-15-2021, 10:44 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
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Default Re: Preparing for surgery

The lump is on her upper chest, right between her front paws.
Tbh, i'm not optimistic and tend to lean towards the vet's opinion who suspects lymphoma going by the type of blood cells she found in the fluid from the lump.

The reason i opted for the surgery is to make her more comfortable physicallly but i'm not 100% sure that it is the right decision. If its cancer then it would have spread and putting her through the discomfort of surgery may not have been wise.

To remove a sample for biopsy would involve aneasthesia so just as well remove the lot.

It must be really difficult to be a vet in situations like that trying to advice people. There are two hamster knowledgeable vets in the surgery i take our hamsters to and they both present me with the options available and the probable outcomes but in the end, the decision is down to me.
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