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Old 08-13-2021, 04:54 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Aug 2021
Location: Birmingham, England.
Posts: 29
Default Re: Seriously Ill Syrian

Serendipity7000 thank you so much for taking so much time out of your day to share your knowledge with us- we really appreciate it. I'm sorry to learn that one of your beloved Syrians recently passed away. I've felt so tired and upset the last few days with Rolo being ill, I can only imagine how horrible it has been for you. We are pleased to have our girl home now. She's way better than she was, but still seems very weak.

We've changed wood chips for Back 2 Nature Small Animal and Bird Bedding and Litter with loads of bedding (recycled paper from P@H). We've upped her food ration to 12g and are transitioning to the pellet food slowly. We are checking on her at least every 30 mins at least and I will continue to do so through the night. We have to collect poo samples and take to the vet on Monday to check for parasites. We've moved her cage upstairs to our spare room, so she doesn't have the TV noise (I've always known it is not advisable to have them near a TV, but she seemed to like being with us instead of in another room, so I thought I was being kind). For now though, I'll let her rest in the quiet of the spare room. I have a thermometer in each room she will use so I can ensure a constant acceptable temperature. I just fed her 4 mealworms for strength.

She seems rather weak still - she has had a go on her flying saucer , but seems to be struggling to propel it. I expect she's very tired though and maybe was given pain killers at the vets so maybe is a bit groggy. Just hope so much that she will be okay. Her glucose was low on her admission to the vets, so I'm worried it may be diabetes or a kidney or thyroid issue. If need be the vet will book her in to sedate her and take blood , but for now just going to have to keep up the TLC.

Thank you both for your help and support.
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