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Old 07-31-2021, 06:26 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Oct 2018
Location: Europe
Posts: 45
Default Re: Bugs. Bugs everywhere. Help

Her big hide, wheel and sand bath are smooth and have no place for bugs to hide, so I won't clean those so they'll smell like her. I'll try to make sure as many things will have at least a bit of scent on them as I can. Most things she has are made of wood, so not everything will be able to escape the washing. I also have some older bedding that smells like her that was in a sealed bin so there won't be bugs in there, while giving her some of her smell.

Sadly I can't fill up the new cage before the old one is empty, as it has te be moved where the old one is, and both of them are too heavy to lift while filled. Also some bugs may try to get into the new cage if it has items and bedding in it. I'll do whatever I can to keep her from being too stressed!
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