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Old 07-29-2021, 09:43 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Harry Hamster vs Vitakraft

My concern with the vitakraft is the lack of information about the contents. It says 66% cereals (doesn't say what those are so could be mainly soya) and the next highest ingredient is "derivatives of vegetable origin" which is a generic term to mean by products of vegetable such as lecithin, textured vegetable proteins, soy oil.

I would stick to the mix of HH and Bunny The Bunny food has a very good ingredients list and clear as to what is in it. While the HH main protein is also soy it does include whole peanuts (part of the protein), whole sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Hamsters usually leave some food behind - they also hoard some and snack on it when they feel like it. So they are probably getting what they need.

Pickle, of all the hamsters I've ever had, seems to leave virtually all his food in his bowl, whatever it is! He does pick out the favourite bits. But I'm sure, having watched night time videos of him pouching from his bowl and his size weight and health, he is getting what he needs.
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